Monday, 4 June 2012

New perspective on life

Firstly to bring you up to date from the last 6 weeks.

I have a beautiful baby girl named Zoe who is already my whole life. She had a rocky start but is going great guns now. She was a little too comfy where she was so had to be delivered via a caesaren. Not what was planned but at least she is now safe.

What does this mean for my exercise program?... My orginal exercise plan has to be re-worked due to my lack of ab strength and recovery time. I still have not been cleared for ab exercises. Although I have been cleared for very light cardio and weight sessions.

Funny thing is my approach to my post baby body is very, very different to what I thought it would be. Before Zoe I was focused on everything external in a vain and selfish way:
  • Belly
  • Thighs
  • Boobs
Well you get the picture.

After going through labour with Zoe and thinking I may lose her at one stage, my focus is now on my health and being able to live an active life with my girl. So I have been happy to just walk around Rutherglen pushing the pram.

Also having a girl I know that I have to live by example and not fixate on a number on a scale or how fat my arse is.

My goals (which I will detail once I have decided on them) will be about being fit, healthy and strong. Not striving to be skinny to fit some "perfect" body image, whatever that is.

There have been some big changes over the last 6 weeks but I am loving every single second of it.

Stay tuned!

Zoe, my heart and soul

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