Saturday, 14 July 2012

Bad Back vs Poor Core

During my time as a personal trainer I was amazed at how many people had "bad backs". I would very carefully plan their session to ensure I did not cause any further pain for them. There would be no medical diagnosis for the back pain but they would tell me during certain exercises "I cant do this it hurts my back". Nobody knows your body like you do so I would just make the required adjustments and carry on.

It is only now I understand the pain most of them were feeling and describing to me. There are some exercises I struggle with because I have very little ab strength yet. My abs are not strong enough to take the load so my back muscles take over and that is when I get the pain/discomfort. Nothing a little check of my form or scaling back the weight can not fix.

It amazes me to think back at the number of people that have stopped exercising all together because it makes there back pain worse. These people that have no medical condition or reason for the back pain that is! In acutal fact it is continued exercise that will strengthen their core and make those movements not only pain free but everyday life easier.

As frustrating as it is for me to be starting at a beginners level, I know that it will set up a great foundation for me to smash any previous records I had set myself.

So I need to learn to love the plank again, GREAT!

1 comment:

  1. Its amazing what a good core does for your whole body! I think I've got a pretty good 6 pack in there somewhere...just have to take the lid of the esky... ;-)
